Friday, May 25, 2012

Painted Yellow Nerf Rayven

This is my rayven that I painted up to fit in with the rest of the N-Strike blasters. Painted yellow and metallic grey by airbrush and then touched up silver with a brush. Adding a pinpoint sight and a Spectre barrel make this a great primary for close quarters combat.

Monday, May 14, 2012


This was a blaster that I worked on for a while, but it is now near completion. The base gun was a Stampede, build for HvZ. Sunny and I discussed how to make the gun into a Warhammer 40,000 Bolter. This design was to be used by the Space Wolfs of the game, so we build around photos and placed insignia of the group on the blaster. A sick looking gun with a three color paint job and three colors of drybrushing. This gun came custom with a 6rd banana clip, of which can be custom build for anybody. It will be an option in the coming weeks on eBay. It can only be built with a 6 rd clip to make it look the best. but a few of them make any gun look great! With a 14.8v Li-Ion baterypack, this shoots darts about 5 rds per second, It slides into the rear of the gun, which was a recon magwell. A little bit of ingunity open that one up after the shotgun recon mods.  Sunny opened my eyes to a whole new aspect of nerf modding, and I am nost grateful for that. This gun will be a beast on any HvZ field.